Sale of health-tech platform, adam HTT

by Simon Arkell

14 April 2022

Our Corporate team, with support from our Employment, Real Estate and Commercial teams, recently had the pleasure of acting on the sell side in the sale of adam HTT Limited, a leading health-tech platform. The buyer is Access Group, a leading provider of business management software. Based in Milton Keynes, adam provides a purchasing solution to public sector bodies across a range of spend areas, from complex community care, transport and housing. adam works with over 60 public bodies and helps manage more than £600 million of spend through its solutions.

The exiting Chairman, Julian Young, commented:

“There are a lot of moving parts when selling a business. Having a legal team that do what they say they will, when they say they will with professionalism and clarity makes the process significantly easier. I can’t speak highly enough of EMW.”

Our team assisting on this deal was Priya Magar, Christopher Scerri, Paloma Menen, Amanda De Bruyn, Meer Gala-Shah and Jemima Clarke.

We worked alongside Grant Thornton’s corporate finance directors, Mike Hughes and Ryan Shields, throughout the transaction.


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