Our specialist team provide a full range of legal services relating to the protection, management, exploitation and enforcement of intellectual property rights. We have extensive experience and are at the forefront of the latest developments in this complex and fast-moving area of intellectual property.
It is important for a business to keep on top of this legal area and ensure that its intellectual property is properly developed, protected and exploited. We advise on all aspects of intellectual property, such as drafting commercial agreements and taking decisive legal action against infringers or defending you against claims of infringement.

We can provide advice and assistance in relation to projects in the following fields: software development, procurement and technology licensing including alternative energy systems. We can also help you on co-operation, collaboration and strategic alliances and on website and ecommerce compliance.
Contracts will always be tailored to your specific requirements and will reflect our understanding of the business involved and the commercial deal.
Registered trade marks protect your business brands. They can comprise a name, a word, a logo or in exceptional circumstances, the distinctive shape of your products. Having a registered trade mark sets you apart from your competitors and we are experts at advising on how to manage your trade marks and ensure that you are properly protected.
We can stop others from using your trade marks to their advantage, such as using them unfairly in advertisements, parallel importing goods bearing your trade marks and counterfeiting your products. We take action against infringers in the High Court and the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court.
We can also advise you on the law of passing off. If you do not have a registered trade mark, the law of passing off can stop a third party exploiting the goodwill in your brand in such a way as to deceive customers into believing that they are purchasing your goods and services.
Copyright arises automatically upon the creation of just about any type of work. It applies to a diverse range of creations, such as any written text, paintings, photographs, films, websites and computer programs.
Copyright is a fast-moving area of the law and is a key asset for a broad spectrum of industries, including marketing and advertising, computer software, publishing, film and television and all forms of media.
We’re perfectly placed to advise you on your copyright strategy and are expert at preparing and negotiating agreements to ensure that your copyright material is properly protected and managed. We can also, where necessary, take action to protect your original work from being copied and used by third parties. Our team will act quickly and effectively to safeguard your rights when it matters most.
Having a domain name is central to a company’s online visibility and forms a core element of a company’s intellectual property portfolio.
Action can be taken against third parties who use the domain name system to profit from or damage your brand. Action can be taken through the Courts or via internet bodies such as WIPO or Nominet. We have expertise in pursuing those who are infringing your domain name rights, whether those infringers are based in the UK or abroad.
Patents are granted for inventions which are ‘new’, involve an ‘inventive step’ and are capable of industrial application. They can be obtained for products or methods/processes in just about any industrial field. Once granted, a patent provides its owner with a monopoly right in the invention for a period of up to 20 years.
Knowing how best to exploit and enforce your patented rights can be the difference between commercial success and failure. We can help you manage and exploit your patent to maximise its value and can draft appropriate licence and distribution agreements.
If action is needed to protect and enforce your patent against an infringer or if you find yourself being accused of infringing, we have a strong track record of successfully representing both PLCs and SMEs in both the High Court and the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court.
Design law is complex but is essential in industries such as the retail sector and fashion. Knowing how to protect your commercial designs and how best to exploit and manage them is fundamental to the success of businesses in those areas.
Our IP experts are leaders in their field. We can advise you on how to register and exploit your designs and can help you negotiate relevant commercial agreements with commercial partners. We can also help you enforce your designs against those who produce similar designs or help defend you against design infringement claims made against you. We can ensure that your creative investments provide the best value possible for your business.
Confidential information often forms a key asset of a business, protecting secret manufacturing processes and formulations, price lists, business plans, computer source code and inventions which are awaiting the filing of a patent application.
We can put together agreements to protect your confidential information so that your business partners and your employees are fully aware of their obligations. Should you encounter a breach of confidence or any misuse of your confidential information, we’re on hand to take urgent and decisive action.